Stergiopoulos Lab
The latest hot news from
the Stergiopoulos lab.
Scroll down for the latest news from the Stergiopoulos lab.

November 2012:
Our lab is a recipient of the UC Davis inaugural Research Investments in the Sciences and Engineering (RISE) awards.
Our reserach proposal with George Bruening as the PI, and Gitta Coaker (Plant Pathology), Andrew Fisher (Chemistry), Dinesh-Kumar (Plant Biology), Ioannis Stergiopoulos (Plant Pathology), and David Wilson (Molecular and Cell Biology) as co-PIs is one of the only 13 funded out of total 119 submitted proposals.

July 2013:
Our lab is invited for a plenary talk during the XVI-IS MPMI Conference
The XVI-IS XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, the largest and most significant congress in our field, will be held at the island of Rhodes, Greece, on July 6-10 2014. We are excited that our lab is among those selected for a plenary talk during this congress and we look forward to it.
memo: don't forget to bring your sunblock and beach towel

January 2014:
Sandra Mosquera finds herself in happy union with her beloved partner in life
Congratulations to the newlyweds! On this beautiful and lovely occasion of your wedding we wish you much love, health, and happiness. May all your days be filled with light and joy! We are all so proud of you two!

June 2014:
Sandra Mosquera recieves the Henry Jastro award from the college of agricultural and enviromnetal sciences
The Henry A. Jastro Research Award is awarded to outstanding graduate students in recognition of their potential to carry out research projects related to the missions of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Congratulations Sandra!

July 2015:
Amanda and Ti-Cheng score exciting new jobs and are off to new adventures!
We said goodbye this month to both our post-docs Amanda Kohler and Ti-Cheng Chang, who after a successful post-doc in our lab for almost two years each, they have landed exciting new jobs and are off to the next step in their careers. Amanda Kohler is now a research associate at the Joint BioEnergy Institute (DOE) at Emeryville, California and Ti-Cheng got a permanent position as a bioinformatics scientist at St. Jude Children's Research hospital at Memphis Tennessee. Congratulations to both of you and we wish you good luck as you move onto the next stage in your lives. No doubt, you will continue to be successful in all areas!

July 2015:
Li-Hung Chen recieves one of the Henry Jastro awards from the college of agricultural and enviromnetal sciences as well as the Hewitt GSR award.
The Henry A. Jastro Research Award is awarded to outstanding graduate students in recognition of their potential to carry out research projects related to the missions of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Congratulations Li!

August 2015:
Sandra Mosquera recieves for the 2nd year in a row one of the Henry Jastro awards from the college of agricultural and enviromnetal sciences
The Henry A. Jastro Research Award is awarded to outstanding graduate students in recognition of their potential to carry out research projects related to the missions of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Congratulations Sandra!

September 2015:
Sandra Mosquera passes her qualifying exams with flying colors!
Congratulations Sandra on a great performance during your PhD Qualifying Exams! Hard work has paied off.

August 2016:
Our two manuscripts on the genomics of the sigatoka disease complex pathogens have been published back-to-back this month in PLoS Genetics and receive extensive media coverage.
We are excited that our efforts to combat the sigatoka disease complex, one of the most destructive diseases in banana, are recognized by the scientific community and the public. The results of our genomic studies have been reported in several science news blogs and public domain news-media. In recognition of the importnace of this work, PloS Genetics has also issued a Perspective on the two manuscripts and has featured them on its front cover.
Selected Media Coverage:
Genome sequencing may help avert banana armageddon (University of California)
UC Davis study finds genome sequencing could avert banana armageddon (Daily Democrat)
Sequencing of fungal disease genomes may help prevent banana armageddon (ScienceDialy)
Sequencing of fungal disease genomes may help prevent banana armageddon (EurekAlert)
Genomic Studies Tackle Banana Plant Pathogens (Genome web)
One super-susceptible clone, a versatile fungus and failing fungicides – black Sigatoka and banana (PLoS Blogs)
Genome Sequencing May Help Avert Banana Armageddon (Technology Org.)

August 2016:
Ioannis talks on CCTV-America about the fungal diseases that are currently threatening banana and gives several interviews with radio and news stations in the US, Australia, and Canada.
It's been an overwelmingly busy month! I did an interview with Mark Niu, the San Francisco correspondent for CCTV-America, China’s largest broadcaster whose shows are seen around the world in more than 100 countries, including nationwide in the U.S. on Dish TV, and Comcast. I was also interviewed by Taylor Hillman from AgNet West Radio Network in California, Brett Downer from 740 KTRH in Houston Texas, Ian Blackley from Southern Cross Austereo, Ann Hui from the Globe and Mail, Canada’s National Newspaper, Ryan Cramer from News-O-Matic, Ben Gruber from Reuters, and others. My apologies to all other reporters that I haven’t been able to respond to.
September 2016:
Our PLoS Genetics article on the genomics of the Sigatoka disease pathogens is featured in the PloS Biologue post: “Slice of PLOS: A Fungus Among Us”
We're excited that our article has been among the few selected to highlight the amazing contribution of fungi to our world. The article is also now part of the corresponding PLOS Collection.
Our new popular science article on bananas is the Editor's pick this week with the “The Conversation US”, and gets several nice republications, including CNN, The Guardian, Business Insider, Associated Press, and others.
Our new popular science article on the fungal diseases that currently threaten banana was published on Oct. 23rd with “The Conversation US” as an Editor's Pick and it was republished in numerous other news sites around the world, including CNN, The Guardian, The Australian Broadcasting Cooperation, Business Insider, Digg, Associated Press, Houston Chronicle, SF Gates, and several others. The article has over 655,000 reads in less than a month.
October 2016:
Ioannis gives an interview with ABC radio Australia.
I've given one more radio interview this month regarding our work on bananas. My apologies again to all other reporters that I wasn't able to responded to.
Copyright © Ioannis Stergiopoulos. All rights reserved.